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Motivation v/s Inspiration

"Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable.” – Ralph Johnson Welcome 🤗   All the passionate reader's of the world.I  am grateful to share the wisdom. I believe you all are doing extremely good.   Today let's perform an experiment I hope something magical will happen after the implementation of the experiment.    Aim : To determine the durability of motivation period Apparatus : Phone or PC ,Data pack, Earphones Procedure: 1.   Turn on your phone or PC . 2.  Browse the word  " motivational video" 3.   Now you can see n number of motivational videos has been displayed. Click any of these videos. 4.   Plug the earphone to the device and start listening  🎧   After the completion of video you will be energitic, enthusiastic. Now the positive words are revolving around the mind. I can do anything Everything is possible Ya ofcourse you can but next day  if you are a student and revising the portion to score highest marks in the exam or if

Programming Affirmations

Hello guys, I hope all of you are doing extraordinary. Today I'm here with an interesting topic. I'm super excited to share with you. Everyday being as a programmer we get distracted. So don't worry I am here to share  Programming Affirmations with you.  Are you ready? Let's get started Positive programming affirmations can create huge impact in our lives. These are the scientifically proven methods to change our brain patterns . We can create new patterns if we perform these activity consistently. I request everyone to read it before you begin your day. 1. I AM A FULLY-FLEDGE PROGRAMMER 2. I LOVE PROGRAMMING DEEPLY, PROFOUNDLY 3. I AM A LOOP AND THE CONDITION IS ALWAYS TRUE 4. I AM CAPABLE OF LEARNING NEW CONCEPT AND I LOVE THE PROCESS 5. I AM BLESSED AND I GRAB THE ADVANTAGE 6. I THINK LIKE A PROGRAMMER AND IT VANISHES MY FEAR ,ANGRY 7. EVERYDAY I JUST DEEP DIVE INTO THE PROGRAMMING WO


Hello guys,     A warm welcome to all my lovely viewers . I think you are bit nervous after hearing the terminologies used by programmers. I am sure now you are totally bewildered after reading the word programmer.        Today, I promise you will never get confused before you start your journey as a programmer. I believe I will guide the best I can. Let's get started.       Story of the language ---> Before I explain I just want to ask a question .what is a language and why we use it?   Think for a while.... Thanks for not thinking I ts my turn to explain . Language is a tool to put our imagination, thoughts, view into physical counterpart . Simply languages were created to make communications better, sharing our perspective, feelings ... I am sorry for my elongation . We changed everything .we are the creators of the today's world. Computers is one of the greatest invention in the mankind. These computers perform the task assign to it. We discovered programming

Understand google analytics within few minutes

Hello, a warm welcome to all my visitors are you eager to know about Google analytics. Most of the people don't know what is Google analytics. Don't be concerned  you will know all about Google analytics within few minutes I will tell you an example, in olden days teachers used to prepare question papers and conduct exams. I think your excitement  turned into jaded. Teachers will conceal the performance of the student,percentage all these in a seperate book. As it is Google also launched Google analytics to know the details,information about the visitors      If you are writing  a blog after completion many people will visit.To know the details of visitors , what there are doing and from where there are. How much time they  spent in reading all these details can be known by Google analytics. We can know traffic in our blog. It is just summary about Google analytics.